12 Şubat 2013 Salı

March 12, 1969
Best new artist: Jose Feliciano
Ot­is Red­ding is posthum­ously awar­ded two Grammys for his hit “(Sit­ting on the) Dock of the Bay,” and the show it­self is mem­or­able for a per­form­ance put on by the Los Angeles cast of the mu­sic­al “Hair” fea­tur­ing songs from the next year’s re­cord of the year: the 5th Di­men­sion’s “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In.” Oth­er ce­re­mon­ies oc­cur in New York, Nashville and Chica­go.
Re­cord: “Mrs. Robin­son,” Si­mon & Gar­funkel
Al­bum: “By the Time I Get to Phoenix,” Glen Camp­bell
Song: “Little Green Apples,” song­writer Bobby Rus­sell
Ed Ames, left, and Burt Bacharach attend a party for the 11th Grammy Awards at the Americana Hotel in New York City in 1969.

March 11, 1970
Best new artist: Crosby, Stills & Nash
Blood, Sweat & Tears’ self-titled al­bum gets a hard-fought win against le­gendary com­pet­i­tion: “Crosby, Stills & Nash,” “Johnny Cash at San Quentin,” the 5th Di­men­sion’s “The Age of Aquar­i­us” and the Beatles’ “Ab­bey Road.” Tammy Wynette’s soon-to-be coun­try an­them “Stand by Your Man” wins for fe­male coun­try vo­cal per­form­ance.
Re­cord: “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In,” The 5th Di­men­sion
Al­bum: “Blood, Sweat &Tears,” Blood, Sweat & Tears
Song: “Games People Play,” song­writer Joe South

Grammys history and winners through the years

May 4, 1959
Record industry joins the awards club
Paul We­st­on, pres­id­ent of the re­cord­ing academy’s L.A.chapter, em­cees the in­aug­ur­al ban­quet and hands out 28 awards at the Beverly Hilton hon­or­ing mu­sic from 1958. “The Chip­munk Song” wins three awards, which trig­gers wide­spread fury among mu­sic crit­ics be­cause the in­dustry does not re­cog­nize rock ‘n’ roll and sub­sti­tutes the Chip­munks to rep­res­ent mu­sic by young people.
Re­cord: “Nel Blu, Dip­into Di Blu (Volare),” Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Al­bum: “The Mu­sic From Peter Gunn,” Henry Man­cini
Song: “Volare,” song­writer Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Peggy Lee presents the Grammy for album of the year to Henry Mancini for "Peter Gunn," which also wins for best arrangement.
Nov. 29, 1959
Best new artist: Bobby Darin
The show is tele­cast for the first time, on an epis­ode of NBC’s “Sunday Show­case.” Frank Sinatra — who was largely snubbed in the first ce­re­mony but won for an al­bum cov­er he didn’t design — col­lects the first of his three al­bum of the year awards, for “Come Dance With Me!” The awards are presen­ted at the Beverly Hilton and the Wal­dorf As­tor­ia in New York.
Re­cord: “Mack the Knife,” Bobby Dar­in
Al­bum: “Come Dance with Me!,” Frank Sinatra
Song: “The Battle of New Or­leans,” song­writer Jimmy Drift­wood
Bobby Darin is a guest star on the CBS show "Hennesey" in July 1959.
April 12, 1961
Best new artist: Bob Newhart
About 400 people at­tend the black-tie din­ner held at the Beverly Hills Hotel for the third ce­re­mony. Em­cee Mort Sahl, ref­er­en­cing the in­fam­ous Nikita Kruschev shoe-banging in­cid­ent, cracks that “that fel­low in Rus­sia should be voted for the best solo of the year.” Bob Ne­whart takes home awards for his com­edy al­bum “The But­ton-Down Mind of Bob Ne­whart.”
Re­cord: “Theme From ‘A Sum­mer Place,’” Percy Faith
Al­bum: “The But­ton-Down Mind of Bob Ne­whart,” Bob Ne­whart
Song: “Theme From Ex­odus,” song­writer Ern­est Gold
Bob Newhart, left, and Nat King Cole speak during the Grammy Awards ceremony in 1961.
May 29, 1962
Best new artist: Peter Nero
Pro­du­cer Henry Man­cini takes home the most awards for his “Break­fast at Tiffany’s” film score and song, “Moon River,” after his two Oscar wins one month earli­er. Ce­re­mon­ies are held in Chica­go, L.A. and New York.
Re­cord: “Moon River,” Henry Man­cini
Al­bum: “Judy at Carne­gie Hall,” Judy Gar­land
Song: “Moon River,” song­writers Henry Man­cini, Johnny Mer­cer
Judy Garland is flanked by Dean Martin, left, and Frank Sinatra in a still from the television concert special "The Judy Garland Show," directed by Norman Jewison.

May 15, 1963
Best new artist: Robert Goulet
Tony Ben­nett and Ella Fitzger­ald lock in vo­cal per­form­ance awards while win­ners are an­nounced at din­ners in New York, Chica­go and in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton. Elsa Lanchester ac­cepts an award for her late hus­band Charles Laughton for best doc­u­ment­ary or spoken word re­cord­ing for “The Storyteller.”
Re­cord: “I Left My Heart in San Fran­cisco,” Tony Ben­nett
Al­bum: “The First Fam­ily,” Vaughn Mead­er
Song: “What Kind of Fool Am I?,” song­writers Leslie Bri­cusse, An­thony New­ley
Actor and singer Robert Goulet, photographed in 1963.
May 12, 1964
Best new artist: Ward Swingle
Some 550 mem­bers gath­er at the Beverly Hilton, and oth­ers gath­er in Chica­go and New York. Bar­bra Streis­and is honored for her “un­ortho­dox vo­cal­iz­ing,” The Times writes, win­ning Grammys for al­bum of the year and fe­male vo­cal per­form­ance. The Swingle Sing­ers are re­cog­nized for their swing in­ter­pret­a­tion of “Bach’s Greatest Hits.”
Re­cord: “Days of Wine and Roses,” Henry Man­cini
Al­bum: “The Bar­bra Streis­and Al­bum,” Bar­bra Streis­and
Song: “Days of Wine and Roses,” song­writers Henry Man­cini, Johnny Mer­cer
Dean Martin, left, and Bob Hope play the guitar as Barbra Streisand plays a washboard and sings in a still from a television special in 1964.
April 13, 1965
Best new artist: The Beatles
Though Stan Getz and As­trud Gil­berto’s “The Girl From Ipan­ema” is a run­away hit, this is the be­gin­ning of a Brit­ish in­va­sion. Grammy voters may not have no­ticed, though. The Beatles win for per­form­ance by a vo­cal group for “A Hard Day’s Night” but don’t win for re­cord of the year for “I Want to Hold Your Hand” or for song of the year.
Re­cord: “The Girl From Ipan­ema,” Stan Getz and As­trud Gil­berto
Al­bum: “Getz/Gil­berto,” Stan Getz & Joao Gil­berto
Song: “Hello, Dolly!,” song­writer Jerry Her­man
Singers Johnny Mathis and Roberta Shore, photographed at a dinner for the Grammy Awards in 1965.
March 15, 1966
Best new artist: Tom Jones
Frank Sinatra not only wins al­bum of the year but is also awar­ded the Life­time Achieve­ment Award. Be­moan­ing the 47 cat­egor­ies that the Grammys go through while com­par­ing “or­anges to lem­ons and tan­ger­ines,” the L.A. Times’ Charles Champ­lin writes that there were all of these choices, “yet nary a single one for Bob Dylan,” whom he calls the most in­flu­en­tial mu­si­cian of the last year.
Re­cord: “A Taste of Honey,” Herb Alp­ert and the Tijuana Brass
Al­bum: “Septem­ber of My Years,” Frank Sinatra
Song: “The Shad­ow of Your Smile,” song­writers Paul Fran­cis Web­ster, Johnny Man­del

Photos From the Grammys

Album of the year -- Babel <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>
Rock performance -- "I Will Wait" -- Mumford & Sons<br>
Rock song -- "I Will Wait": Ted Dwane, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall & Marcus Mumford, Songwriters<br>
Americana album -- "Babel"<br>
Song written for visual media -- "Learn Me Right (from "Brave")": Songwriters (Birdy & Mumford & Sons)<br>
Long form music video -- "Big Easy Express": Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros & Old Crow Medicine Show | Emmett Malloy, video director; Bryan Ling, Mike Luba & Tim Lynch, video producers<br>

Mumford & Sons

( John Shearer / Invision / Associated Press )
Album of the year -- Babel WINNER 
Rock performance -- "I Will Wait" -- Mumford & Sons
Rock song -- "I Will Wait": Ted Dwane, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall & Marcus Mumford, Songwriters
Americana album -- "Babel"
Song written for visual media -- "Learn Me Right (from "Brave")": Songwriters (Birdy & Mumford & Sons)
Long form music video -- "Big Easy Express": Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros & Old Crow Medicine Show | Emmett Malloy, video director; Bryan Ling, Mike Luba & Tim Lynch, video producers

Record of the year -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" -- Gotye featuring Kimbra <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Pop duo/group performance -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" featuring Kimbra<span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Alternative music album -- "Making Mirrors" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images )
Record of the year -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" -- Gotye featuring Kimbra WINNER 
Pop duo/group performance -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" featuring KimbraWINNER 
Alternative music album -- "Making Mirrors" WINNER

Album of the year -- "Some Nights"<br>
Record of the year -- "We Are Young" featuring Janelle Monae<br> 
New artist <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>
Song of the year --  "We Are Young": Jack Antonoff, Jeff Bhasker, Andrew Dost & Nate Ruess, songwriters<br>
Pop duo/group performance -- "We Are Young"


( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Album of the year -- "Some Nights"
Record of the year -- "We Are Young" featuring Janelle Monae
New artist WINNER 
Song of the year -- "We Are Young": Jack Antonoff, Jeff Bhasker, Andrew Dost & Nate Ruess, songwriters
Pop duo/group performance -- "We Are Young"

Best Rap Song -- "... in Paris"
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration -- "No Church In The Wild featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> (pictured)</span>
Rap performance -- "... in Paris"<br>Rap/sung collaboration -- Jay-Z & Kanye West featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream<br>Rap song -- "N****s in Paris" -- Shawn Carter, Mike Dean, Chauncey Hollis & Kanye West, songwriters (W.A. Donaldson, songwriter) <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>
Jay-Z & Kanye West
( Kevork Djansezian / AFP / Getty Images )
Best Rap Song -- "... in Paris" 
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration -- "No Church In The Wild featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream" WINNER (pictured) 
Rap performance -- "... in Paris"
Rap/sung collaboration -- Jay-Z & Kanye West featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream
Rap song -- "N****s in Paris" -- Shawn Carter, Mike Dean, Chauncey Hollis & Kanye West, songwriters (W.A. Donaldson, songwriter) WINNER

Record of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Song of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop solo performance -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop vocal album -- "Stronger" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Kelly Clarkson

( John Shearer / Invision /Associated Press )
Record of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Song of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop solo performance -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop vocal album -- "Stronger" WINNER

Album of the year -- "Channel Orange"
Record of the year --  "Thinkin Bout You"
New artist
Urban contemporary album --  "Channel Orange" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Frank Ocean

( Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images )
Album of the year -- "Channel Orange"
Record of the year -- "Thinkin Bout You"
New artist
Urban contemporary album -- "Channel Orange" WINNER
Album of the year -- "El Camino"
Record of the year -- "Lonely Boy"
Rock performance --  "Lonely Boy" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>
Rock album -- "El Camino" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span> 
Rock song - "Lonely Boy" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span> 
<br>  Producer of the year - Dan Auerbach <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

The Black Keys

( Carlos Alvarez / Getty Images )
Album of the year -- "El Camino"
Record of the year -- "Lonely Boy"
Rock performance -- "Lonely Boy" WINNER 
Rock album -- "El Camino" WINNER 
Rock song - "Lonely Boy" WINNER 
Producer of the year - Dan Auerbach WINNER

Improvised jazz solo -- "Hot House": Gary Burton & Chick Corea, soloists <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>"Alice in Wonderland" -- Chick Corea, soloist<br>Jazz instrumental album -- "Further Explorations": Chick Corea, Eddie Gomez & Paul Motian<br>"Hot House": Chick Corea & Gary Burton<br>Instrumental composition -- "Mozart Goes Dancing": Chick Corea, composer <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Chick Corea

( Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press )
Improvised jazz solo -- "Hot House": Gary Burton & Chick Corea, soloistsWINNER 
"Alice in Wonderland" -- Chick Corea, soloist
Jazz instrumental album -- "Further Explorations": Chick Corea, Eddie Gomez & Paul Motian
"Hot House": Chick Corea & Gary Burton
Instrumental composition -- "Mozart Goes Dancing": Chick Corea, composerWINNER

Song of the Year -- "Adorn"<br>R&B performance -- "Adorn'<br>R&B song -- "Adorn" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Best Urban Contemporary album -- "Kaleidoscope Dream"


( Jason Merritt / Getty Images )
Song of the Year -- "Adorn"
R&B performance -- "Adorn'
R&B song -- "Adorn" WINNER 
Best Urban Contemporary album -- "Kaleidoscope Dream"

Pop solo performance -- "Where Have You Been"
Rap/sung collaboration -- "Talk That Talk" featuring Jay-Z
Short form music video -- "We Found Love" featuring Calvin Harris <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Pop solo performance -- "Where Have You Been"
Rap/sung collaboration -- "Talk That Talk" featuring Jay-Z
Short form music video -- "We Found Love" featuring Calvin Harris WINNER
Pop solo performance -- "Set Fire to the Rain [Live]" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( John Shearer / Invision / Associated Press )
Pop solo performance -- "Set Fire to the Rain [Live]" WINNER
Record of the year -- "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Country duo/group performance -- "Safe &amp; Sound"
Song written for visual media -- "Safe &amp; Sound (from "The Hunger Games")" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Taylor Swift

( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Record of the year -- "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Country duo/group performance -- "Safe & Sound"
Song written for visual media -- "Safe & Sound (from "The Hunger Games")"WINNER

Album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"<br>Rock album of the year --  "Blunderbuss"<br>Rock song --  "Freedom at 21"

Jack White

( Barry Brecheisen / Invision / Associated Press )
Album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"
Rock album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"
Rock song -- "Freedom at 21"

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