12 Şubat 2013 Salı

March 12, 1969
Best new artist: Jose Feliciano
Ot­is Red­ding is posthum­ously awar­ded two Grammys for his hit “(Sit­ting on the) Dock of the Bay,” and the show it­self is mem­or­able for a per­form­ance put on by the Los Angeles cast of the mu­sic­al “Hair” fea­tur­ing songs from the next year’s re­cord of the year: the 5th Di­men­sion’s “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In.” Oth­er ce­re­mon­ies oc­cur in New York, Nashville and Chica­go.
Re­cord: “Mrs. Robin­son,” Si­mon & Gar­funkel
Al­bum: “By the Time I Get to Phoenix,” Glen Camp­bell
Song: “Little Green Apples,” song­writer Bobby Rus­sell
Ed Ames, left, and Burt Bacharach attend a party for the 11th Grammy Awards at the Americana Hotel in New York City in 1969.

March 11, 1970
Best new artist: Crosby, Stills & Nash
Blood, Sweat & Tears’ self-titled al­bum gets a hard-fought win against le­gendary com­pet­i­tion: “Crosby, Stills & Nash,” “Johnny Cash at San Quentin,” the 5th Di­men­sion’s “The Age of Aquar­i­us” and the Beatles’ “Ab­bey Road.” Tammy Wynette’s soon-to-be coun­try an­them “Stand by Your Man” wins for fe­male coun­try vo­cal per­form­ance.
Re­cord: “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In,” The 5th Di­men­sion
Al­bum: “Blood, Sweat &Tears,” Blood, Sweat & Tears
Song: “Games People Play,” song­writer Joe South

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