4 Mayıs 2013 Cumartesi

In general, I can see that I'm going to be playing a lot with the Sunlight Foundation's tools. Nice stuff. http://j.mp/126WfIy #tcamp13

Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you, your lightsaber battles plentiful and may you always find the droids you're looking for.

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4 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

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12 Şubat 2013 Salı

March 12, 1969
Best new artist: Jose Feliciano
Ot­is Red­ding is posthum­ously awar­ded two Grammys for his hit “(Sit­ting on the) Dock of the Bay,” and the show it­self is mem­or­able for a per­form­ance put on by the Los Angeles cast of the mu­sic­al “Hair” fea­tur­ing songs from the next year’s re­cord of the year: the 5th Di­men­sion’s “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In.” Oth­er ce­re­mon­ies oc­cur in New York, Nashville and Chica­go.
Re­cord: “Mrs. Robin­son,” Si­mon & Gar­funkel
Al­bum: “By the Time I Get to Phoenix,” Glen Camp­bell
Song: “Little Green Apples,” song­writer Bobby Rus­sell
Ed Ames, left, and Burt Bacharach attend a party for the 11th Grammy Awards at the Americana Hotel in New York City in 1969.

March 11, 1970
Best new artist: Crosby, Stills & Nash
Blood, Sweat & Tears’ self-titled al­bum gets a hard-fought win against le­gendary com­pet­i­tion: “Crosby, Stills & Nash,” “Johnny Cash at San Quentin,” the 5th Di­men­sion’s “The Age of Aquar­i­us” and the Beatles’ “Ab­bey Road.” Tammy Wynette’s soon-to-be coun­try an­them “Stand by Your Man” wins for fe­male coun­try vo­cal per­form­ance.
Re­cord: “Aquar­i­us / Let the Sun­shine In,” The 5th Di­men­sion
Al­bum: “Blood, Sweat &Tears,” Blood, Sweat & Tears
Song: “Games People Play,” song­writer Joe South

Grammys history and winners through the years

May 4, 1959
Record industry joins the awards club
Paul We­st­on, pres­id­ent of the re­cord­ing academy’s L.A.chapter, em­cees the in­aug­ur­al ban­quet and hands out 28 awards at the Beverly Hilton hon­or­ing mu­sic from 1958. “The Chip­munk Song” wins three awards, which trig­gers wide­spread fury among mu­sic crit­ics be­cause the in­dustry does not re­cog­nize rock ‘n’ roll and sub­sti­tutes the Chip­munks to rep­res­ent mu­sic by young people.
Re­cord: “Nel Blu, Dip­into Di Blu (Volare),” Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Al­bum: “The Mu­sic From Peter Gunn,” Henry Man­cini
Song: “Volare,” song­writer Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Peggy Lee presents the Grammy for album of the year to Henry Mancini for "Peter Gunn," which also wins for best arrangement.
Nov. 29, 1959
Best new artist: Bobby Darin
The show is tele­cast for the first time, on an epis­ode of NBC’s “Sunday Show­case.” Frank Sinatra — who was largely snubbed in the first ce­re­mony but won for an al­bum cov­er he didn’t design — col­lects the first of his three al­bum of the year awards, for “Come Dance With Me!” The awards are presen­ted at the Beverly Hilton and the Wal­dorf As­tor­ia in New York.
Re­cord: “Mack the Knife,” Bobby Dar­in
Al­bum: “Come Dance with Me!,” Frank Sinatra
Song: “The Battle of New Or­leans,” song­writer Jimmy Drift­wood
Bobby Darin is a guest star on the CBS show "Hennesey" in July 1959.
April 12, 1961
Best new artist: Bob Newhart
About 400 people at­tend the black-tie din­ner held at the Beverly Hills Hotel for the third ce­re­mony. Em­cee Mort Sahl, ref­er­en­cing the in­fam­ous Nikita Kruschev shoe-banging in­cid­ent, cracks that “that fel­low in Rus­sia should be voted for the best solo of the year.” Bob Ne­whart takes home awards for his com­edy al­bum “The But­ton-Down Mind of Bob Ne­whart.”
Re­cord: “Theme From ‘A Sum­mer Place,’” Percy Faith
Al­bum: “The But­ton-Down Mind of Bob Ne­whart,” Bob Ne­whart
Song: “Theme From Ex­odus,” song­writer Ern­est Gold
Bob Newhart, left, and Nat King Cole speak during the Grammy Awards ceremony in 1961.
May 29, 1962
Best new artist: Peter Nero
Pro­du­cer Henry Man­cini takes home the most awards for his “Break­fast at Tiffany’s” film score and song, “Moon River,” after his two Oscar wins one month earli­er. Ce­re­mon­ies are held in Chica­go, L.A. and New York.
Re­cord: “Moon River,” Henry Man­cini
Al­bum: “Judy at Carne­gie Hall,” Judy Gar­land
Song: “Moon River,” song­writers Henry Man­cini, Johnny Mer­cer
Judy Garland is flanked by Dean Martin, left, and Frank Sinatra in a still from the television concert special "The Judy Garland Show," directed by Norman Jewison.

May 15, 1963
Best new artist: Robert Goulet
Tony Ben­nett and Ella Fitzger­ald lock in vo­cal per­form­ance awards while win­ners are an­nounced at din­ners in New York, Chica­go and in Los Angeles at the Beverly Hilton. Elsa Lanchester ac­cepts an award for her late hus­band Charles Laughton for best doc­u­ment­ary or spoken word re­cord­ing for “The Storyteller.”
Re­cord: “I Left My Heart in San Fran­cisco,” Tony Ben­nett
Al­bum: “The First Fam­ily,” Vaughn Mead­er
Song: “What Kind of Fool Am I?,” song­writers Leslie Bri­cusse, An­thony New­ley
Actor and singer Robert Goulet, photographed in 1963.
May 12, 1964
Best new artist: Ward Swingle
Some 550 mem­bers gath­er at the Beverly Hilton, and oth­ers gath­er in Chica­go and New York. Bar­bra Streis­and is honored for her “un­ortho­dox vo­cal­iz­ing,” The Times writes, win­ning Grammys for al­bum of the year and fe­male vo­cal per­form­ance. The Swingle Sing­ers are re­cog­nized for their swing in­ter­pret­a­tion of “Bach’s Greatest Hits.”
Re­cord: “Days of Wine and Roses,” Henry Man­cini
Al­bum: “The Bar­bra Streis­and Al­bum,” Bar­bra Streis­and
Song: “Days of Wine and Roses,” song­writers Henry Man­cini, Johnny Mer­cer
Dean Martin, left, and Bob Hope play the guitar as Barbra Streisand plays a washboard and sings in a still from a television special in 1964.
April 13, 1965
Best new artist: The Beatles
Though Stan Getz and As­trud Gil­berto’s “The Girl From Ipan­ema” is a run­away hit, this is the be­gin­ning of a Brit­ish in­va­sion. Grammy voters may not have no­ticed, though. The Beatles win for per­form­ance by a vo­cal group for “A Hard Day’s Night” but don’t win for re­cord of the year for “I Want to Hold Your Hand” or for song of the year.
Re­cord: “The Girl From Ipan­ema,” Stan Getz and As­trud Gil­berto
Al­bum: “Getz/Gil­berto,” Stan Getz & Joao Gil­berto
Song: “Hello, Dolly!,” song­writer Jerry Her­man
Singers Johnny Mathis and Roberta Shore, photographed at a dinner for the Grammy Awards in 1965.
March 15, 1966
Best new artist: Tom Jones
Frank Sinatra not only wins al­bum of the year but is also awar­ded the Life­time Achieve­ment Award. Be­moan­ing the 47 cat­egor­ies that the Grammys go through while com­par­ing “or­anges to lem­ons and tan­ger­ines,” the L.A. Times’ Charles Champ­lin writes that there were all of these choices, “yet nary a single one for Bob Dylan,” whom he calls the most in­flu­en­tial mu­si­cian of the last year.
Re­cord: “A Taste of Honey,” Herb Alp­ert and the Tijuana Brass
Al­bum: “Septem­ber of My Years,” Frank Sinatra
Song: “The Shad­ow of Your Smile,” song­writers Paul Fran­cis Web­ster, Johnny Man­del

Photos From the Grammys

Album of the year -- Babel <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>
Rock performance -- "I Will Wait" -- Mumford & Sons<br>
Rock song -- "I Will Wait": Ted Dwane, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall & Marcus Mumford, Songwriters<br>
Americana album -- "Babel"<br>
Song written for visual media -- "Learn Me Right (from "Brave")": Songwriters (Birdy & Mumford & Sons)<br>
Long form music video -- "Big Easy Express": Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros & Old Crow Medicine Show | Emmett Malloy, video director; Bryan Ling, Mike Luba & Tim Lynch, video producers<br>

Mumford & Sons

( John Shearer / Invision / Associated Press )
Album of the year -- Babel WINNER 
Rock performance -- "I Will Wait" -- Mumford & Sons
Rock song -- "I Will Wait": Ted Dwane, Ben Lovett, Winston Marshall & Marcus Mumford, Songwriters
Americana album -- "Babel"
Song written for visual media -- "Learn Me Right (from "Brave")": Songwriters (Birdy & Mumford & Sons)
Long form music video -- "Big Easy Express": Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros & Old Crow Medicine Show | Emmett Malloy, video director; Bryan Ling, Mike Luba & Tim Lynch, video producers

Record of the year -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" -- Gotye featuring Kimbra <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Pop duo/group performance -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" featuring Kimbra<span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Alternative music album -- "Making Mirrors" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images )
Record of the year -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" -- Gotye featuring Kimbra WINNER 
Pop duo/group performance -- "Somebody That I Used To Know" featuring KimbraWINNER 
Alternative music album -- "Making Mirrors" WINNER

Album of the year -- "Some Nights"<br>
Record of the year -- "We Are Young" featuring Janelle Monae<br> 
New artist <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>
Song of the year --  "We Are Young": Jack Antonoff, Jeff Bhasker, Andrew Dost & Nate Ruess, songwriters<br>
Pop duo/group performance -- "We Are Young"


( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Album of the year -- "Some Nights"
Record of the year -- "We Are Young" featuring Janelle Monae
New artist WINNER 
Song of the year -- "We Are Young": Jack Antonoff, Jeff Bhasker, Andrew Dost & Nate Ruess, songwriters
Pop duo/group performance -- "We Are Young"

Best Rap Song -- "... in Paris"
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration -- "No Church In The Wild featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> (pictured)</span>
Rap performance -- "... in Paris"<br>Rap/sung collaboration -- Jay-Z & Kanye West featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream<br>Rap song -- "N****s in Paris" -- Shawn Carter, Mike Dean, Chauncey Hollis & Kanye West, songwriters (W.A. Donaldson, songwriter) <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>
Jay-Z & Kanye West
( Kevork Djansezian / AFP / Getty Images )
Best Rap Song -- "... in Paris" 
Best Rap/Sung Collaboration -- "No Church In The Wild featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream" WINNER (pictured) 
Rap performance -- "... in Paris"
Rap/sung collaboration -- Jay-Z & Kanye West featuring Frank Ocean & The-Dream
Rap song -- "N****s in Paris" -- Shawn Carter, Mike Dean, Chauncey Hollis & Kanye West, songwriters (W.A. Donaldson, songwriter) WINNER

Record of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Song of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop solo performance -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop vocal album -- "Stronger" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Kelly Clarkson

( John Shearer / Invision /Associated Press )
Record of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Song of the year -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop solo performance -- "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"
Pop vocal album -- "Stronger" WINNER

Album of the year -- "Channel Orange"
Record of the year --  "Thinkin Bout You"
New artist
Urban contemporary album --  "Channel Orange" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Frank Ocean

( Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images )
Album of the year -- "Channel Orange"
Record of the year -- "Thinkin Bout You"
New artist
Urban contemporary album -- "Channel Orange" WINNER
Album of the year -- "El Camino"
Record of the year -- "Lonely Boy"
Rock performance --  "Lonely Boy" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>
Rock album -- "El Camino" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span> 
Rock song - "Lonely Boy" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span> 
<br>  Producer of the year - Dan Auerbach <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

The Black Keys

( Carlos Alvarez / Getty Images )
Album of the year -- "El Camino"
Record of the year -- "Lonely Boy"
Rock performance -- "Lonely Boy" WINNER 
Rock album -- "El Camino" WINNER 
Rock song - "Lonely Boy" WINNER 
Producer of the year - Dan Auerbach WINNER

Improvised jazz solo -- "Hot House": Gary Burton & Chick Corea, soloists <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>"Alice in Wonderland" -- Chick Corea, soloist<br>Jazz instrumental album -- "Further Explorations": Chick Corea, Eddie Gomez & Paul Motian<br>"Hot House": Chick Corea & Gary Burton<br>Instrumental composition -- "Mozart Goes Dancing": Chick Corea, composer <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Chick Corea

( Mark J. Terrill / Associated Press )
Improvised jazz solo -- "Hot House": Gary Burton & Chick Corea, soloistsWINNER 
"Alice in Wonderland" -- Chick Corea, soloist
Jazz instrumental album -- "Further Explorations": Chick Corea, Eddie Gomez & Paul Motian
"Hot House": Chick Corea & Gary Burton
Instrumental composition -- "Mozart Goes Dancing": Chick Corea, composerWINNER

Song of the Year -- "Adorn"<br>R&B performance -- "Adorn'<br>R&B song -- "Adorn" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span><br>Best Urban Contemporary album -- "Kaleidoscope Dream"


( Jason Merritt / Getty Images )
Song of the Year -- "Adorn"
R&B performance -- "Adorn'
R&B song -- "Adorn" WINNER 
Best Urban Contemporary album -- "Kaleidoscope Dream"

Pop solo performance -- "Where Have You Been"
Rap/sung collaboration -- "Talk That Talk" featuring Jay-Z
Short form music video -- "We Found Love" featuring Calvin Harris <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Pop solo performance -- "Where Have You Been"
Rap/sung collaboration -- "Talk That Talk" featuring Jay-Z
Short form music video -- "We Found Love" featuring Calvin Harris WINNER
Pop solo performance -- "Set Fire to the Rain [Live]" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>


( John Shearer / Invision / Associated Press )
Pop solo performance -- "Set Fire to the Rain [Live]" WINNER
Record of the year -- "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Country duo/group performance -- "Safe &amp; Sound"
Song written for visual media -- "Safe &amp; Sound (from "The Hunger Games")" <span style="color: #942928;"><strong>WINNER</strong> </span>

Taylor Swift

( Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times )
Record of the year -- "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
Country duo/group performance -- "Safe & Sound"
Song written for visual media -- "Safe & Sound (from "The Hunger Games")"WINNER

Album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"<br>Rock album of the year --  "Blunderbuss"<br>Rock song --  "Freedom at 21"

Jack White

( Barry Brecheisen / Invision / Associated Press )
Album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"
Rock album of the year -- "Blunderbuss"
Rock song -- "Freedom at 21"

9 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

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Redbox owner Coinstar feeling content pinch

Coinstar Inc. CSTR -6.97%   , which owns Redbox and its 43,000 DVD-rental kiosks across the U.S., found out the hard way just how important content — and the promise of more content in a timely manner — matters in efforts to better compete against the likes of Netflix Inc. NFLX -0.55%  , Amazon.com AMZN +0.66%  and online video aggregator and streaming site Hulu.

The stock fell nearly 9% by early Friday afternoon to $47.44. This was a reaction to what company officials said late Thursday about the number of new DVDs Redbox will offer in the first quarter of the year, and when the kiosks will get those titles. Combined with new expenses associated with the rollout of the new Redbox Instant video streaming service, investors showed they have little patience when other video rental and streaming options are available.

At the heart of the matter was Coinstar Chief Financial Officer Scott di Valerio saying that Redbox added just 12 new release titles to its kiosks in January — barely half of the 23 new release titles it added in the same month a year ago.

CSTR 48.47, -3.63, -6.97%

Di Valerio said on a conference call Thursday that more new release titles are set to roll in during February and March, and the company should end up with about the same number of new releases as it did in last year’s first quarter. But, he added, “certainly, they are coming in the later part of the quarter, which challenges the start-up like we had [in the first quarter of] last year.” Di Valerio is soon to take over as Coinstar’s Chief Executive from Paul Davis, who is retiring.

Due in part to the lack of new Redbox content, Coinstar forecast earnings of between 77 cents and 92 cents a share, on revenue in a range of $568 million and $593 million for its first quarter, which fell short of the $1.22 a share and $628.8 million in consensus sales estimates from analysts surveyed by FactSet for the quarter.

For its part, Coinstar is taking steps to maintain Redbox customer loyalty. The company is working on revamping its kiosks so that they can fit 80 more discs, on top of the 600 that the machines usually hold. And beginning Jan. 1, the company entered into a new agreement with Warner Bros. TWX +0.40%   in which Redbox with get the rights to Warner’s Blu-Ray and DVD titles 28 days after their retail release.

The company is also revamping the Blockbuster kiosks it recently acquired from NCR Corp. NCR +4.36%  . It also expects to install between 1,500 and 2,000 kiosks in Canada this year, and is betting big on its Redbox Instant joint venture with Verizon VZ -0.25%  , a video-streaming service that is in beta testing and will cost consumers $8 a month upon rollout.

“We believe as the year goes on, revenue trends should improve as should transactions per kiosk, as new kiosks ramp, increased stability from [Redbox] Instant, and the company’s vertical merchandising zone, which adds 80 discs to each kiosk,” Northland Capital Markets analyst Darren Aftahi wrote in a research note. Aftahi holds an outperform rating and $62 a share target price on Coinstar’s stock.

Click to Play
YouTube sees pirated content return
YouTube is facing the return of a pirated-content problem. Hundreds of full-length feature films, including blockbusters from Disney and Sony have been illegally uploaded to the world's most popular video site. Tom Gara reports.

But while Redbox Instant is Coinstar’s high-profile effort to stake a claim to the video-streaming market, expenses are adding up.

According to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, Redbox — which owns a 35% stake in the joint venture with Verizon — took charges of more than $20 million in the fourth-quarter related to building out the service. Pachter also noted that Coinstar expects to take a charge of between $9 million and $11 million in the first quarter, and up to as much as $16 million for the joint venture this year.

“The company provided no visibility on when investors should expect revenue or profit contribution from the Verizon joint venture,” Pachter said. “And considering that Coinstar first mentioned its plans to partner with another company back in April 2010 and announced the Verizon deal over a year ago, it is troubling that the actual rollout beyond beta is taking so long.”

In the meantime, Netflix has seen investors come back following its exclusive deal with Walt Disney Co. DIS +0.55%  , even though it doesn’t start until 2013, and Amazon just scored the exclusive video-streaming rights to the hit PBS series “Downton Abbey,” showing that there is no rest in the battle to offer marquee-quality content for subscribers.

Of course, if Redbox Instant is a hit, all concerns about content could end up being moot. For now, Redbox appears to be trying to fill up those rental kiosks as fast as possible with new DVDs.

MTA Prepares for Early Rush Hour Due to Storm

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority was preparing for the storm by moving some sensitive equipment out of the path of snow and by adjusting train schedules to accommodate an earlier-than-usual afternoon rush hour on Friday.

Subways were operating normally Friday morning, with routine delays not linked to the approaching storm. As the storm approaches, the MTA’s transit division will move some trains underground for storage, including on express tracks through Manhattan, which means some lines that normally run as express will operate on local tracks Friday afternoon.

The MTA will halt service on the No. 7 train in Manhattan beginning at midnight, the agency said. The line will operate as usual between Main Street and Queensboro Plaza in Queens, and as a shuttle from Queensboro Plaza to Vernon-Jackson Avenues.

Buses were rolling out of depots with chains on their tires, and monitors at headquarters were keeping track of road conditions.

More closely watched as the storm approached were the region’s commuter rail lines, including Metro-North, Long Island Railroad and NJ Transit. Those systems move hundreds of thousands of commuters over long distances each weekday, through suburban territory expecting a wallop from the snow.

All three commuter rail systems were planning to add extra train service in the afternoon to help carry an anticipated early rush hour of Manhattan office workers departing ahead of the storm.

When the storm is at its height later in the day, an MTA spokeswoman said, there is a chance of intermittent closures of some bridges in the region – standard procedure when wind and snow create whiteout conditions. Those closures, however, would not be as lengthy as the outages that were required during superstorm Sandy, when the MTA, the city and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey closed river crossings because of hurricane-force winds.

The MTA was also preparing for the need to protect drivers after the height of the storm, when refreezing and melting conditions could produce dangerous ice buildup on suspension bridge cables. If ice falls are happening, those bridges could be closed temporarily, the spokeswoman said.

The MTA prepared to cancel some trains on Metro-North Friday evening, even as it sent extra trains out of New York in advance of the storm.

The railroad was to operate on a reduced schedule from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday night, the MTA said, and would significantly curtail service between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. Saturday. After 8 p.m., trains will run every half-hour on the New Haven and Harlem Lines out of Grand Central Terminal, and once an hour inbound toward Grand Central. On the Hudson Line, the railroad will run trains once an hour overnight.

Railroad officials said more service could be cut if the storm becomes more severe.

Amtrak announced Friday afternoon that it will not operate Acela Express service on Saturday between New York and Boston, though the express trains will continue to run south of New York.

Amtrak suspended all service between New York and Boston Friday afternoon in anticipation of snow and high winds. Southbound service on regional trains will resume from Boston at 11:40 a.m. Saturday, while northbound service will resume at 10 a.m. Saturday.

The railroad also canceled other trains throughout New England because of the storm.

LA Cops Dismiss Claims in Alleged Killer Chris Dorner's 'Self-Serving' Manifesto

PHOTO: This undated photo released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows suspect Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles officer; right,   police officers stand near the site of a police shooting on Feb. 7, 2013 in Corona, Calif. where Dorner is sus

The rage-filled "manifesto" written by former police officer Christopher Dorner before he went on an alleged cop killing spree around the Los Angeles area was dismissed by the head of the Los Angeles Police Department today as "self-serving" and "ramblings on the Internet."

Dorner is believed to have killed one police officer and injured two others early this morning, in addition to killing two civilians, on a spree that he threatened would have a "high action of violence" in an angry missive posted to his Facebook wall earlier this week.

Police throughout the Los Angeles and Southern California region were working to apprehend Dorner.

In the letter, Dorner detailed his grievances with his former employer, the Los Angeles Police Department, including his struggles with the department's internal affairs department, which ultimately ended in his getting fired, according to the manifesto. He blamed the problems with the LAPD for inspiring his killing spree.

Dorner accused the department of being racist and using excessive force.

PHOTOS: Former LAPD Officer Suspected in Shootings

"The department has not changed since the Rampart and Rodney King days. It has gotten worse," Dorner wrote. "I know I will be vilified by the LAPD and the media. Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil that I do not enjoy but must partake and complete for substantial change to occur within the LAPD and reclaim my name."

Dorner named members of the LAPD whom he would target and said they would not be safe at home or at work.

"I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty," he wrote. "You will now live the life of the prey."

Today, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck curtly dismissed the letter.

"This is a homicide suspect who has committed atrocious crimes. If you want to give any attribution to his ramblings on the Internet, go ahead, but I do not," he said.

FULL COVERAGE: Christopher Jordan Dorner

Much of the letter focused on an episode in which Dorner said he saw a fellow officer use excessive force to kick a suspect who was schizophrenic. He reported the incident to the department's internal affairs department, kicking off a lengthy investigation that ultimately led to his dismissal from the department for making false statements.

"I had broken their supposed 'Blue Line,'" he wrote, referring to the notion that police officers protect one another. "It is clear as day that the department retaliated toward me for reporting [the officer]. ... The department stated that I had lied and made up the report."

Dorner said the incident cost him greatly at the department and in his personal life, fueling his killing spree.

"The LAPD's actions have cost me my law enforcement career," he said. "They cost my naval career. ... I've lost my relationship with my mother and sister because of the LAPD. I've lost a relationship with close friends because of the LAPD. In essence, I've lost everything because the LAPD took my name and new (sic) I was INNOCENT!!!" he wrote.

"This is my last resort. The LAPD has suppressed the truth and it has now lead to deadly consequences," the letter said.

Beck, the current LAPD chief, said that the internal affairs case that Dorner spent much of the letter focusing on had been treated fairly through the police department's review board.

"That case was thoroughly adjudicated. It went through several levels of review up to the point where even a civilian representative listened to the entirety of the case. You will find Dorner's statements to be self-serving and the statements of somebody who was extremely unhappy in his lot in life," Beck said.


Redbox Automated Retail, LLC
TypeSubsidiary of Coinstar
IndustryRetail/DVD rental
HeadquartersOakbrook Terrace, Illinois,United States
Area servedNorth America
Key people
Anne Saunders, President of Redbox, J Mitch Lowe, former President
Gregg Kaplan, Founder of Redbox, CEO of Redbox (2002-2009), COO & President of Coinstar, Inc. (2009-Present)[1]
Redbox is a subsidiary of Coinstar that specializes in the rental of DVDsBlu-ray Discs, and video gamesvia automated retail kiosks. As of the end of November 2012, Redbox had over 42,000 kiosks at more than 34,000 locations.[2]
Kiosks feature the company's signature red color and are located at grocery storespharmacies, mass retailers, convenience stores, and fast food restaurants. The company announced in February 2012 it will set up a few hundred kiosks in Canada in the coming months to test the Canadian market.[3]
Redbox had 34.5% market share of discs rented, as of Q2 2011, as stated by the NPD Group.[4]

NOAA Names New Director of National Weather Service

NOAA Press Release:
Louis W. Uccellini, Ph.D., will become the next assistant NOAA administrator for weather services beginning February 10 and the 16th director of NOAA's National Weather Service, which marks its 143rd anniversary this Saturday.
"Louis' leadership within the National Weather Service and his relationship with the U.S. and international weather enterprise allow him to effectively steer the agency forward," said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA Administrator.
"It's an honor to lead such a prestigious agency with the unbeatable mission of protecting lives and livelihoods," said Uccellini. "The past year had its success stories with superior outlooks, forecasts and warnings, including those for Sandy, but difficulties remain. Our eyes remain locked on the future to ensure a National Weather Service that is second to none and supports a weather-ready nation.
What makes the National Weather Service a prestigious agency with a bold future are the dedicated men and woman who work day in and day out to keep us all informed and safe. They do so in ways that are more public, such as issuing life-saving watches and warnings, and in ways that are less apparent but are vital to our society, such as supporting airline safety and marine transportation to protecting electrical infrastructure from solar storms."
"I congratulate Dr. Uccellini and look forward to continuing to collaborate with him and the National Weather Service," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "FEMA and the NWS in partnership together prepare communities and local officials for the impacts of weather hazards to save lives and protect property."
"Working with a spectrum of partners, including emergency management, the commercial sector, broadcasters, academia and social scientists, we can and will meet the nation's needs to overcome the very real threats from the increasing severity and frequency of weather and climate extremes," added Uccellini.
Laura K. Furgione, who served as acting director of the National Weather Service since May 2012, will return as the agency's deputy director. "Louis has always placed a priority on providing forecast tools to help field offices and national centers be successful. I'm proud to work by his side as we continue supporting our nation-wide team," said Furgione.
Since 1999, Uccellini has led the NWS' National Centers for Environmental Prediction, which in 2012 moved to a new state-of-the-art facility in College Park, Md. At NCEP, he was responsible for directing the planning, science and technology, and operational responsibilities related to NCEP's Central Operations and Environmental Modeling, as well as seven national centers, including the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., and Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo. Uccellini is also a fellow of the American Meteorological Society and just completed his term as the society's president.
Uccellini, 63, began his weather career at the Goddard Space Flight Center's Laboratory for Atmospheres as the section head for the Mesoscale Analysis and Modeling Section in 1978. In 1989, he joined the NWS as chief of the Meteorological Operations Division and then became director of the Office of Meteorology in 1994.
Uccellini received his Bachelor of Science (1971), Master (1972), and Ph.D. (1977) degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published more than 60 journal articles and chapters in books, and is known for coauthoring the widely acclaimed two-volume book, Northeast Snowstorms.
A native of Bethpage, N.Y. on Long Island, Dr. Uccellini is a resident of Columbia, Md. He and his wife, Susan, have three children.
NOAA's mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources.

New head of National Weather Service named

Louis Uccellini will be the new director of the National Weather Service, effective Sunday.
Uccellini, 63, has been with the weather service since 1989, most recently as the director of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction in College Park, Md. He will be the 16th director of the weather service, which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
He was the president of the American Meteorological Society and the author of more than 60 journal articles and chapters in books. He literally wrote the book about blizzards as the co-author of the two-volume book Northeast Snowstorms.
Uccellini replaces acting director Laura Furgione, who served since May. She replaced Jack Hayes, who was director from 2007 until last May. Hayes retired after an internal investigation found that agency staff improperly moved money among different accounts without congressional authorization.
Furgione will return to her position as weather service deputy director.
Uccellini becomes director at a challenging time for the agency, dealing with budget issues that could hamper efforts to improve such critical needs as weather satellites and weather prediction models.
In a telephone interview Wednesday, Uccellini stressed the importance of maintaining transparency in budget issues.
He agreed with concerns within the meteorological community about the state of the top U.S. weather prediction model (the GFS), saying he will be "moving aggressively" toward its improvement.
"It's an honor to lead such a prestigious agency with the unbeatable mission of protecting lives and livelihoods," Uccellini said. "The past year had its success stories with superior outlooks, forecasts and warnings, including those for Sandy, but difficulties remain.
"Our eyes remain locked on the future to ensure a National Weather Service that is second to none and supports a weather-ready nation."

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